Friday, June 03, 2005

Money Toad Feng Shui Advice FAQ by John Mausolf

Question: Dear Sir,

We are very confused on the placement of a three legged frog as advice by many experts in the net. Kindly advice on the correct placement (location) of this auspicious item, the preferred dates (initial starting time) and timing of placement of this item (from what time to put up and what time to keep)

Your kind advice is appreciated. Thank You.

Best Regards.

Answer: Howdy Michael,

These ugly little money toads are based upon a simple folk lore story about a greedy Buddhist monk who lost his money sack when he was taking a dump over an open pit toilet and then leapt in after it and drowned. When the full moon rose into the evening sky that night, he transformed into the ugly toad and climbed on out with his money sack intact!!!! This is in fact a moralistic fable and is not based upon Feng Shui principles.

Personally, I see it as a symbol of warning against getting caught up in the illu$ion of money, and greed. NOT as a prosperity symbol !!!!

The real problem with this sort of thing is that there will always be those out there that are quite happy in the knowledge that they are taking advantage of the unaware, through the action of selling Religious, Spiritual, Folklore and Superstitious type items as Feng Shui objects!

There are also no consistent answers for placement of such items. For example, in the Philippines, depending upon which island you are on, you will be given conflicting advice to its placement. On one island they believe you should face it out of the home, and on a neighbouring isle they tell you the exact opposite. Who is correct, and why does it work for some people (these sorts of items don't work for all people), regardless of which island their on, and which way the thing faces, when they are using different applications of the same object?

The power of belief is an amazingly powerful thing my friend! ;-)
Unfortunately there are a lot of these sort of items available, including Mirrors, Gourds, Chinese Gods, Lucky Turtle Stacks, Gold Ingots, etc... and all are being sold as Feng Shui accessories, which they are not. Feng Shui in itself has no items to sell. It is based upon time, location, surroundings, and the individuals within the place concerned, cures are based upon the 5 transformations, yin & yang, and numerous Water placement principles. Treating your place alchemically, or energetically.

If you must use one of these type of accessories, place it in the location where your 8 wealth / water star is according to Xuan Kong Feng Shui method (Flying Stars) in your personal Sheng Chi direction (Ming Gua).

Alternatively, speak to the elders in your family and seek out your ancestral superstitions!

All the best, John Mausolf
Pure Feng Shui Freebies
About the Author
John has trained under many Feng Shui Masters over the last 7 years, and now chooses to freely give away his knowledge through his site at

Creating Sacred Space in Your Home, Office or Garden by Jan Marie Dore

The environments we surround ourselves with contribute to our sense of well-being as well as to our creativity and productivity. There is a direct link between inner peace and the spaces in which we live and spend our time. It is possible to create harmony and abundance by enhancing home and workplace energies. The idea of sacred space is as old as humanity itself. The ancient oriental art of feng shui teaches that the buildings and space one occupies affects personal, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Sacred Space is a physical place where the Divine or the supernatural can be glimpsed or experienced, where we can get in touch with that which is larger than ourselves, where we can experience harmony and inner peace. It is also a place where, as Joseph Campbell put it, wonder can be revealed, and you can experience who you are and who you might be. By acknowledging that something larger than ourselves with greater purpose exists, we create an environment where a sense of the sacred can be realized in the details of our everyday lives and in ourselves. Lets look at three environments in which you might create sacred space: your home, office, and garden. The intention behind creating the space may be the same for each area, but the questions you ask yourself, and the objects you place there, will be different in each case. Creating Sacred Space in Your Home Bringing the sacred into the everyday, carving out sacred space in the domestic sphere, can be done in any number of ways. Creating this space becomes a search for meaning, or a process of discovering what has meaning for you. It involves putting spirituality into physical form. In our contemporary times, creating personal places of prayer, ritual, and meditation is one way of acknowledging the sacredness of all the space we inhabit. It can serve as a reminder of the role spirit plays in your life. We can create a space where we can come into contact with all that lies both within us and outside us. Creating and maintaining a regular spiritual practice is the best way to make your spiritual self-care a priority. Creating a sacred space to honor your spiritual well being on a regular basis means deciding on an actual location, the best time of day, and the right frequency for you. You may want to find a place in your home that you can set aside for spiritual rejuvenation. It may be the corner of a room, or the whole room. Find a space that looks, feels, and smells right to you. As you chose the place in your home to establish your sacred space, listen to the voice within: - Will you be comfortable here?- What does this piece of your home actually feel like to you?- What kinds of associations does it bring forth? Clean the area well - vacuum, dust, polish - whatever it takes to have the space feel fresh and clear. Next, check the lighting. Is it appropriate day or night for your optimum comfort? Then, gather any items that that trigger a feeling of spirit in you in your daily life and may help make it a sacred space for you. Listening to yourself is an important part too of choosing objects for your sacred space. Permit yourself time to visualize your sacred space and decide what you need in it. Think about what is important or meaningful to you at this time in your life. The items might include pictures, candles, symbols, books, pillows, flowers, statues, mementos, blankets, sage or incense. Once you have created your space, sit in it and notice how you feel. Does the energy feel peaceful? Is it quiet enough? Make any necessary adjustments. Have it be a place that calls to you, a place that you look forward to spending time in. Look for ways to incorporate other rituals into your daily life. The intentional use of rituals can be a powerful reminder to hold ordinary events a sacred. The simple act of blessing a meal, burning incense while reading a book, or lighting a candle while you work can add a sacred quality to everyday life. Creating Sacred Space in Your Office Just as your emotions and energy are affected by your home, so too can they be influenced by your office space. If your office or work space is humane, loving and sacred, then what you produce there will have a sense of humanity and integrity. The challenge is not to change yourself to fit the space, but to seek a way to occupy your office space in a way that harmonizes with your personality and energy. Also, it is important to see your work in the greater context of the world at large. You must know that your work can make a contribution to the world and that your office space can reflect this intention. Bring to mind an image of your workspace. What do you see that stimulates your creativity and calls to your muse? Can you see the cool green of trees and grass? Hear music or a fountain? Write or draw with a rainbow of colors? Feel the warmth of polished wood? Smell fresh flowers from your garden? Is your office, cubicle or desk visually stimulating with lots of pictures, quotes and memorabilia? Or, do you prefer a clean, uncluttered space for working? Before you begin to implement any changes in your office, take a moment to still your mind and ask yourself: What is the message that my office or work space currently communicates to myself and others? What is my long-term intention for myself and for others in the work that I do? Think about what changes you can make to the layout and design of your workspace to create an environment that inspires your best work, and what objects you will place in your ideal work space to give you a sense of the sacred. Creating Sacred Space in Your Garden Understanding your garden as a sacred space helps focus both intentions and thoughts. Creating sacred space is a process. An entire garden can become a sacred space, or just an area in the garden, so that the upkeep is manageable and you have time to benefit from the haven it offers. You can create a special corner of your garden with a bench for sitting, a small waterfall, or a living altar to Mother Earth, one that attracts birds and butterflies and other living creatures to your sacred space. Creating altars outdoors permits us to get back in touch with the cycle and beauty of natural light that most of us - spending our days in offices, our nights in apartments and houses - no longer experience on a regular basis. Sacred objects can be arranged here on an altar - candles, stones, found objects from nature, statues or figurines, bowls, crystals, flowers, rocks, pebbles - whatever appeals to you. A fountain, bird feeder or a bench can be added. Even the simple act of digging in the earth seems to connect us to the ancient rhythms of nature; the scent, color and texture of the soil combine to wake us up. The forms of life we discover in the ground are a small epiphany of the unseen web of nature. Bringing our spiritual life out of doors is a very humbling experience for it reminds us that each of us is only a very small part of the natural world. To create sacred space in your garden, begin by really looking at your surroundings. What does the natural landscape say to you? What is its spirit? Look at the land, and pay attention to the wind and the sun: is there movement and light? Does the landscape make you more aware? Listen to the place: is it filled with natural sounds or is it still? Look and listen at different times of day and night to heighten your awareness of the sacred space. Think about what objects will you bring into a special place in your garden to provide a haven of peaceful surroundings and remind you of the larger context of your life.Special altars can be created in your garden for special occasions and to mark earth-honoring ceremonies from the traditional calendar - the summer and winter solstices, the spring and fall equinoxes. For example, the equinox - the twice yearly moment when day and night are precisely the same length - is a time of balance, so objects could be chosen to represents pairs of opposites - heavy and light, wet and dry, light and dark, etc. The solstices can be honored as times of transformation by aligning the altar with the sunrise so as to catch the first ray of light. Written prayers or intentions can be burned to signify the transformation and release of the old.Creating a sacred space represents your conscious intention to make time for both the needs and goals of the spirit. The very act of creating a physical place that represents what is sacred to you makes you spiritually receptive and helps you stay connected to something larger than yourself.
About the Author
Jan Marie Dore is a Professional Certified Coach who supports female executives and professionals in living a high quality, more fulfilling life - one that is meaningful, authentic, and a joy to wake up to every day. For free resources and programs on work-life balance and living your best life, visit or sign up for monthly articles by sending an email to