Wednesday, June 15, 2005

8 Feng Shui Tips to Make Your Own Buds Bloom by Vicky White

Spring is here and all the energy that was laying low and
gaining strength over winter is blossoming forth. Spring
is the time for new beginnings. Its a time of increased
energy, new beginnings and sunshine moods.

These tips will help you harness this energy.

The air inside your building is up to ten times more
polluted than the air outside. This is due to building
practices that seal the building against energy loss, and
because of synthetic furnishings and carpets which are
continually sending toxic vapors into your home.

Opening your doors and windows will bring more energy into
your life as this is where the energy enters your homes and

Now is a good time to feed them, dust them, shine their
leaves and give them some love. Plants produce movement of
air, which helps them remove toxins from your environment.
They also produce water vapor which controls humidity.

Often its not until the sun shines on your windows that you
can see just how dirty they've become. Create a clear view
of your world.

These will add brightness and vitality to your life. Make
sure you replace them when they wilt.

Is it time to go through your closet again with fresh eyes?
Can you put your winter clothes out of sight? What can you
let go of? What do you no longer like or wear? What
doesn't show you at your best? How about your garage, your
car or your handbag?

Your bedroom is the most important room in your house
because you spend so many hours in there. Clutter here
will be affecting your health and relationships, and
clutter under the bed affects you the most - it will be
creating unconscious blocks as you sleep over it.

Are you one third of the way towards your goals for the
year? What is blocking your way? Do you want to choose a
new goal? Choose a goal and commit to taking one step
towards it each day. Watch the progress you make and the
momentum you create. Do this with a friend or your Coach
and check in with them each day. Being accountable to
someone else is often what it takes keep focused.

Make a list of anything in your life that 'bugs' you and
start clearing them up. What distracts you from doing the
things you love to do and what distracts you at work? What
can you do to resolve these issues?

Spring is a great time to reassess and re-energize your
dreams and goals. You are a third of the way through the
year and can take advantage of this boost of Spring
energy by clearing some space and refocusing.

2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be
duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

About the Author
Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life
Coach who works with clients both locally and
internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course Your Secret
Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The
Competitive Edge at

Using Feng Shui to Create a Vibration of Abundance by Vicky White

Your prosperity is directly related to the flow of energy in your
environment. Clutter creates stagnant energy flow and prevents
abundance from flowing to you.

Clutter is anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, tolerated or
disorganized. Clutter is emotional constipation!

Letting go of something that no longer makes your heart sing,
can mean letting go of a person, or something no longer relevant
in your life. It can be part of a process of grieving, enabling
you to move into your present and future.

Everyone has their own patterns of attracting abundance and
blocking it. Do you recognize any of these?

1. Physical Clutter - Clutter is dead, stagnant energy and will
block the flow of energy in your life. The energy that flows
around your home and office is like a river, bringing abundance
and fortunate blessings in all areas of your life. When it
comes across a pile or something you are tolerating it will get
bogged down.

Ask yourself: Do I love it? Do I use it? Does it make my
heart sing?

2. Purchasing clutter - If you make purchases when feeling
angry, sad, stressed, fearful etc. youre spending money to
to suppress those feelings rather than feeling them and letting
them go. This means emotional energy will attach itself to
the item and you will experience its vibration, even on an
unconscious level whenever you look at, wear or use the item.

These items will not make your heart sing and will not support
your prosperity.

Are you ready to let them go?
Are you ready to become a conscious shopper?

3. Growth creates clutter - As you make changes within yourself,
more of your belongings will fit the definition of clutter.
Having the urge to discard things in your home or office is a sign
of you stepping more fully into yourself and your abundance.

If you don't address the clutter, it will hold you where you
were. If you are growing and changing you are continually
creating clutter!

4. Unconscious clutter - Do you have beliefs that create
conflict? Do you think you can't be wealthy AND care about
people? Do you think you can't be successful working 4
days a week? These beliefs will be affecting your prosperity.
Take time to re-examine them.

5. Clutter Vibration - everything has a vibration. If you have a
feeling of not enough time, money or love in your life, it sets
up a vibration that will block abundance. And, focusing on the
fear of not having enough time or money draws more of that to
you. On the other hand, the vibration of gratitude is the same
as the vibration of abundance.

Create an attitude of gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal
and each night before you go to sleep write down 5 things you
are grateful for today. Focusing on gratitude rather than lack
is one of the most powerful things you can do to attract the
abundance vibration.

6. Language Clutter - The word 'want' means to desire without
having! When you say you want something you are resonating with
the vibration of lack, rather than flowing with the vibration of
abundance. You are also complaining, at a subtle level. The
Universe responds to requests, not complaints. Try using the
words 'choose' or 'desire' - they may sound strange at first,
but it's worth it to create a flow of energy.

7. Does your prosperity area feel abundant? Ask yourself, what
do I currently own that represents abundance to me now? Once
you have cleaned and cleared the clutter from your prosperity
area, place this object there to create the vibration you choose
to attract.

To discover where the prosperity area of your home or a room is,

8. Try this game. Place a bowl or container you love in the
prosperity area of your home or a room. Each day, take a coin,
give thanks for the abundance you already have, and the abundance
coming to you and place the coin in the bowl. The increasing
coins represent your increasing abundance.

At some point when it feels right and the bowl is nearing full,
make a decision about what to do with that money and start
over. This will work best once you have cleared the clutter and
cleaned the area. And remember, what you focus on expands.

Clearing clutter is an important part of Feng Shui. Before you
can create something new you need to make space for it. The
changes you make in your environment are mirrored in your life
and support you in making emotional shifts. Feng Shui can provide
a welcome boost in living the life you want.

2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be
duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

About the Author
Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life
Coach who works with clients both locally and
internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course Your Secret
Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The
Competitive Edge at