Friday, June 03, 2005

Money Toad Feng Shui Advice FAQ by John Mausolf

Question: Dear Sir,

We are very confused on the placement of a three legged frog as advice by many experts in the net. Kindly advice on the correct placement (location) of this auspicious item, the preferred dates (initial starting time) and timing of placement of this item (from what time to put up and what time to keep)

Your kind advice is appreciated. Thank You.

Best Regards.

Answer: Howdy Michael,

These ugly little money toads are based upon a simple folk lore story about a greedy Buddhist monk who lost his money sack when he was taking a dump over an open pit toilet and then leapt in after it and drowned. When the full moon rose into the evening sky that night, he transformed into the ugly toad and climbed on out with his money sack intact!!!! This is in fact a moralistic fable and is not based upon Feng Shui principles.

Personally, I see it as a symbol of warning against getting caught up in the illu$ion of money, and greed. NOT as a prosperity symbol !!!!

The real problem with this sort of thing is that there will always be those out there that are quite happy in the knowledge that they are taking advantage of the unaware, through the action of selling Religious, Spiritual, Folklore and Superstitious type items as Feng Shui objects!

There are also no consistent answers for placement of such items. For example, in the Philippines, depending upon which island you are on, you will be given conflicting advice to its placement. On one island they believe you should face it out of the home, and on a neighbouring isle they tell you the exact opposite. Who is correct, and why does it work for some people (these sorts of items don't work for all people), regardless of which island their on, and which way the thing faces, when they are using different applications of the same object?

The power of belief is an amazingly powerful thing my friend! ;-)
Unfortunately there are a lot of these sort of items available, including Mirrors, Gourds, Chinese Gods, Lucky Turtle Stacks, Gold Ingots, etc... and all are being sold as Feng Shui accessories, which they are not. Feng Shui in itself has no items to sell. It is based upon time, location, surroundings, and the individuals within the place concerned, cures are based upon the 5 transformations, yin & yang, and numerous Water placement principles. Treating your place alchemically, or energetically.

If you must use one of these type of accessories, place it in the location where your 8 wealth / water star is according to Xuan Kong Feng Shui method (Flying Stars) in your personal Sheng Chi direction (Ming Gua).

Alternatively, speak to the elders in your family and seek out your ancestral superstitions!

All the best, John Mausolf
Pure Feng Shui Freebies
About the Author
John has trained under many Feng Shui Masters over the last 7 years, and now chooses to freely give away his knowledge through his site at