Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Feng shui decorating guidelines by Jakob Jelling

The importance of following feng shui decorating guidelines.

Feng shui decorating guidelines show us the correct way to place objects, furniture and how to decorate in order to achieve harmony. Living and working spaces and their decorations affect the people inhabiting them, and feng shui decorating knowledge studies the way to make that factor affect in a positive and harmonic way.

If you want to learn and be able to follow feng shui decorating tips, the first thing to do is to learn about feng shui in general and its main concepts. By learning this, you will find yourself naturally acquiring information on how to decorate any different spaces according to feng shui.

According to feng shui decorating guidelines, the way and the position in which we place our furniture, the colors we choose, the different objects and places we choose for them, everything can be done in a way that ensures harmony. Actually, in China people are used to look for a feng shui expert to guide them in occasions such as when they buy a new house.

Following feng shui decorating guidelines is not the same as decorating in order to make a space pretty or nice looking but it is about making it be in harmony with us. Actually, many times a decoration done by following feng shui would not look nice or be esthetically correct at all. By following feng shui, we could end up doing some of the things we would never have thought to do in our decoration.

For example, the position we place a bed can have main importance according to feng shui decorating tips. A bed should be placed in a position that allows the person to easily look at the door, but at the same time it should not be facing it directly and it should be against a wall. Even if this leads to an option which you wouldnt have thought of for you to place your bed, you should do so in order to be able to sleep well and comfortable.

Feng shui does not see decoration with the same eyes a merely esthetically based decoration does. Feng shui decorating guidelines are meant to help people make their spaces as much harmonic and positive for their inhabitants as possible, even if esthetics have to be sacrificed for it.
About the Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

Feng shui office by Jakob Jelling

Things to take into account at the time to look for feng shui office harmony.

At the time to look for feng shui office harmony, there are many important things to consider and to use in order to achieve your search for harmony goal. Through this article we will provide you with some of the most important feng shui office evaluation techniques.

The main thing to have into account, according not only to feng shui office tips but to feng shui in general, is the energy flow within the place. This energy, called chi, should be able to flow freely through your office in order to allow you think without disturbances.

A next important aspect to consider in your feng shui office evaluation is the position your desk is placed. Your desk should allow you to sit facing the door and with your back pointing at a wall. You should be able to easily see if someone enters the office as well as have a wall as a protection.

Although your desk should allow you to easily see the door, it should not be placed directly across to it. Feng shui office knowledge points that a desk placed directly across the door allows all the energy flow go directly to you. And another important thing to have into account about your desk position is that it should not be facing a wall since the wall would act as an obstacle.

Feng shui office indications also teach that the area that is right directly in front of where you sit at your desk should be clear and without objects disturbing you. This space should allow your energy to flow freely without obstacles, in order for you to easily achieve your projects and goals.

Another important feng shui office tip is that office machines and other objects should never be at the center of the room. Objects in general and specially machines are an obstacle for the flow of energy which ideally should be able to travel freely within the room.

According to feng shui office indications, your office shape is also important and it should be square or rectangle shaped. It should also have a window which allows the entrance of natural light in the room. These aspects would help you feeling relaxed and comfortable in your office.
About the Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

Use feng shui coins to increase your income by Jakob Jelling

Feng shui coins can allow you, among other things, to increase your income. By keeping three coins tied with a read thread, you would protect your already existing income as well as increase it. According to Chinese traditions, three coins tied that way symbolize prosperity and income protection.

By carrying these three tied coins with yourself you could attract personal wealth, as well as by using these feng shui coins in your house would bring prosperity and wealth for all its occupants. Number three symbolizes heaven, man and earth united, and it is a lucky number as well.

Carrying them with you would also attract helpful people to you and receive help when you need it. You can also give feng shui coins to those you love as a present; it would be a symbolic, creative and helpful gift to give. You can combine the coins representation with different numbers symbolism, achieving this way, different desired effects.

According to feng shui specifications, the best house area for placing feng shui coins is the northwest. According to the bagua map, the northwest of any space corresponds to the prosperity life area, and therefore, placing feng shui coins there would be very helpful and beneficial. You can also use them in order to protect or increase the income at a business by placing these coins by the cash register or any other place containing money.

It is also important to know where your feng shui coins come from, since they would also contain energy of the place or people who had them before. The best place where to acquire these coins is at a very prosperous or wealthy place. This way, your feng shui coins benefits and their positive effect on you would be maximized.

You can also use feng shui coins according to its main element, metal. When any spot at your house or working space lacks of metal element, placing these Chinese coins in it would be a great way to add that element and create harmony at the same time than protecting the incomes and maximizing the good luck.
About the Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!