Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What You Don't Know About Electrical Appliances & Your Health by Vicky White

We live in affluent times. We think nothing of using a
hairdryer to dry our hair, putting the washing in a machine
to clean it, having a television set in our bedrooms and
having a clock beside our beds, set to bring us our
favorite radio station as we wake.

What if you were getting more than you thought with your
electric appliances?

Research suggests that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have
an effect on the immune system, and have been linked to
headaches, cancers, blood disorders and a host of
autoimmune diseases.

In October, 2002, preliminary findings from an 8 year
research project commissioned by the California Public
Utilities Commission, and considered the largest project to
date, suggests hundreds of thousands of people, particularly
children, are at risk from life-threatening illnesses
linked to the emissions. Pregnant women are also at
greater risk of miscarriage.

Everything that uses or transmits electricity emits EMFs,
however those in your bedroom will have the greatest impact
on your health because it is during sleep that you are most
vulnerable to energy imbalances. You are affected in
direct proportion to their strength, proximity and the
length of time you are exposed to these fields. The affect
is also accumulative.

Tips For Detecting And Reducing The Harmful Effects
Of EMFs In Your Life

1. You can detect the presence of strong fields with a
small compass. When you move towards an electromagnetic
field the needle will turn to realign with the new magnetic
field, swinging as you move over it. Try it on your
television or computer monitor.

2. Remove all plug-in clocks, television, answering
machines, and electric blankets from your bedroom. If you
cannot do this, move these things at least eight to twelve
feet away from where you sleep, or unplug them while you

3. Look for any cables that run under your bed or close to
your head. Where possible reposition the cables, keeping
them as far from your bed as possible. Consider moving the
bed to another part of the room if necessary.

4. Take note of appliances on shared walls with the
bedroom. EMFs will transmit through walls. Check the
distance between these appliances and where you lie in bed.
If this applies to you, check for anxiety, insomnia, or any
unusual types of illness.

5. Where possible unplug a device - this will disconnect
the transformer and will no longer create an EMF.

6. Reduce your exposure by increasing the distance between
you and your electrical appliances. Sit or lie at least 10
feet from your television set, and move your computer at
least 2 feet away from your keyboard if possible. A peace
lily, or spider plant grown near electrical objects will
absorb some EMFs.

It is no longer enough to improve the purely Feng Shui
aspects of your home and bedroom. To ensure good health
you also need to be assessing levels of EMFs now.

2003, Vicky White. All rights reserved. May be
duplicated with attribution and copyright notice intact.

About the Author
Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life
Coach who works with clients both locally and
internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course Your Secret
Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The
Competitive Edge at http://www.LifeDesignStrategies.com/

Headlines Bring Sales--Where and How to Use Them by Judy Cullins

Headlines Bring Sales--Where and How to Use Them
Judy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights Reserved

Headlines are short vital statements to stimulate your potential
customers and clients to take action. That means sales! Since
you only have 10 seconds to attract your visitor or reader,
create headlines to make ultimate sales.

Your benefit-driven headlines are your 24/7 sales team working
for your while you relax your favorite way.

Without them, your ezine ads, email promotions, special reports,
eBooks, book and article titles, chapter titles, ezines and print
newsletters, and Web site will not pull visitor attention, trust,
credibility, traffic or sales.

Headlines bring far more sales than the copy following them.
Perhaps you are a skimmer too. Skimmers usually just read
the headline.

How to Use Headlines


Many businesses write ads and place them in strategic ezines or
Web sites. They lose contacts and sales because they don't use a
benefit-driven headline at the top of the ad. For instance,

Start with the benefit in capital letters. Make a free offer to get
people to visit your Web site. Include contact information
in hyper links. Make your ad 5-7 lines. Don't pitch what you are
selling in the ad--this doesn't motivate.


Make sure your headline includes a benefit for the product,
the teleclass, the seminar or service you are promoting.Over
50% of outgoing messages are never opened because the
subject line doesn't inspire or stimulate the audiences' curiosity.

So many professionals just put an announcement in the subject
line such as "Upcoming Programs." Not specific enough, nor
motivating enough to make me want to open the email.

Here's a few winners: Quadruple your Sales in 4 Months with
Articles Teleclass, FREE report: Online Marketing is
10 Times More Powerful than Traditional, or for an ezine,
don't just put its name in subject line, put its feature article
in with a abbreviated ezine name and ....


These 2-6 page informational, how-to pieces help promote
your business Online. Send one every month or so to follow
up your email group lists.

Your article title is your headline. Best titles include a benefit and
audience. People want to know what's in for them before they
invest their valuable time to read it. Don't lose them with a weak
title. Which of these are powerful? "10 Tips to Promote your
Product with Flyers." "Shorten your Journey to Business Success
with Teleclasses." "Want a Web Site that Turns Lookie Loos
into Buyers?"

Within the body of the piece use headlines to inspire and motive
the reader to keep reading to get their questions answered. The
reason they read your article is to learn how to solve their
problem. Headlines organize and guide your reader to make
it easy for him/her to read. With appreciation for your useful
article they may click on your product or service to buy you
offer in your signature file at the bottom.

Within "The BIG 3 Marketing Machine" report, this headline
pulls reader action: "Leverage your Sales Through a Short


Your eBook or print book title is an example of a headline.
With only 4-8 seconds to impress, make sure it sizzles with
the number one benefit and your preferred audience included

Sample titles that sell: "Increase your Traffic and Web Sales Five
Times in 30 Days," "Ten Roadblocks BetweenYou and a Real
Life," "Cold Calling: The Reverse Selling Way," and "Speak Like
a Pro For Profit." Notice the benefits.

Within your book your chapter titles are also examples of
headlines. These are so important to guide the reader through
your information in an organized, compelling style. They help
focus your reader and make your book easy-to-read, a great
selling point. Since your chapter titles evolve into your table of
contents, make them stimulate your possible buyer to pay for
your book right now. These are what my eBook calls "Essential
Hot-Selling Points."

In one client's chapter "You're Having No Fun and it Makes
You Sick" from a book on how relationships can be hazardous
to your health, she offered these headings: "No One Told You?
You Put Off Fun Til Later? He Healed Himself with Laughter!
Are You Stuck in the Muck? and Stretch Your Fun Muscles."


Just as with your chapter titles, every section of your ezine
needs a headline. For instance, "Feature Article of the Month,"
"Business Tip of the Month," or "Publisher's Message."
These are listed in your ezine's table of contents near the
top of the ezine. They give your prospective reader benefit-
driven headlines to attract them to read on.


Since headlines are the most important part of your home page
and sales letters on your Web site, think about your site now.
If you don't have headlines on your home page that lead your
visitor straight to your product or service sales letter and order
page, you probably have low sales.

Why will visitors buy from you? They certainly don't care about
your bio, your mission or purpose. They won't stay if your home
page opens with a large graphic. Your potential customers want
to learn more about how you can solve their problem, and
that demands dazzling, meaty headlines.

For an eBook, one author put this headline on his home page:
Want to Know How to Add 200 New Subscribers Each
Month?" This headline led Web potential buyers straight to his
sales letter and links to where the Online promotion product was

For a Feng Shui Kit one client put this home page headline and
link to her product sales letter on her home page: "Do you Miss
the Sacred in Your Daily Life? Rediscover it with "The Sacred
Collection." In her sales letter she wrote more headlines and
bullets for specific benefits throughout her sales letter.


Reciprocal Web link exchanges are a win-win in business,
since this is one way to optimize your search engine placement.
When you agree with another Web site to exchange links, offer
both a short and long version of your link. In the longer one, be
sure to place a benefit-driven headline with the URL and a
free offer. These annotated links stand out from the crowd
and give visitors more information to make a decision.

When you add zesty, power-packed headlines to anything your
write or use to promote yourself and your business, you will
attract your target potential buyers who evolve into buyers.
About the Author
Judy Cullins: 20-year author, publisher, book coach
Helps entreprenurs manifest their book and web dreams
eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online"
Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com
FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports

Save Promotion $: Attract the Right Audience to your Web Site by Judy Cullins

Save Promotion $: Attract the Right Audience to your Web Site
Judy Cullins 2003 All Rights Reserved

To attract your targeted audience to your Web site, you need
to know your preferred audience.Then you'll spend less
promotion time and money.

In everything you send out, think about your audience before
you write. If you write an ezine to stay in touch with future
customers you want to give them content they are interested in.
If you write articles or tips for Online audiences, make sure
you angle them toward your particular audience. Of course,
you may have more than one audience, but it's best to start
promoting to the one who will want to come to your Web site
and eventually buy.

The best buying audience Online is the small business person.
Not particularly targeted, but Online buyers like to buy Online
and some out of the millions will want what you have to offer.

Remember, you the savvy Web site owner want to give your
customers-to-be the solutions they need to make their problem
or challenge disappear. Always think benefits your product or
service offers your audience.

What do you have that will help your audience?. Solving
your audience's challenge or problem creates happy visitors
who will come back to your Web site many times, and
eventually buy from you.

Which of These 5 Audiences Suits your Web Site Best?

1. The Audience you Meet in the Mirror

Many Web site owners offer what they themselves need
or want. We know ourselves and we can offer others what
already worked for us.

Think of health products that perhaps changed your life. You
come from individual knowledge and success--a perfect
combination to sell a product.

Authors write books because we love the ideas, the
content, the skills we will share. We usually write
the book for ourselves first. Have you heard,
"I wrote the book I wanted to read?" Our passion
for our topic can create success so long as we stay with
a marketing and promotion plan for 2 plus years.

2. The Target Market Who Wants Answers Now.

No, not everyone will want your product or service, although
many entrepreneurs think so. "If it worked for me, it will work
for others."

This targeted audience has a common need or problem, and
wants it fixed NOW! Perhaps your product or service will
solve that problem. For instance, www.stopyourdivorce.com's
book already has a desperate audience because he or she
has already been threatened with divorce by the other spouse.
They want a solution now. Without much negotiation time, they
will do anything to stop the divorce. They will pay any price for
your magic pill and will buy on the spot.

In just 2 years this site sold 150,000 books. The author
answered the rejected spouses' dilemma compelling
them to buy now.

Think about prostate problems. It's only after the doctor
announces a prostate serious problem that most men look for
an answer. Prevention didn't appeal to them. Only the doctor's
wake up call or threatened surgery prompted action.

3. The Short-Cut Time and Money Investment for a Big Payoff.

This audience wants a roadmap to where he or she wants to
go--fast! This audience wants to know how to do something--
to write a book, to make money Online, to promote their
business Online, to put up a top-selling Web site.They also
are looking for the least expensive way to accomplish their
goals. No more money down the drain for them.

For instance, print and eBooks that show entrepreneurs
a short cut to finish their books, and get them sold fast, so
their cash flow builds big enough to multiply profits fast is
the right audience for books about publishing, business or
book promotion.

Once the book is near completion, how can authors make
continuing sales that make up one-fourth to one-half of their
income? Still relatively unused, the Internet provides this
answer because of so little competition there.

Think about your product or service. Does it fit this audience?

4. The Massive Passionate Audience.

These people are looking for inspiration. Does your product or
service have that benefit? One client not only wrote a book on
"Feng Shui," she expanded the idea and added her own Native
American and Cosmic approach to create a kit called, "The
Sacred Collection." She offers her wholistic health and spiritual
growth consulting, the eBook, and the whole kit.

If you remember the Chicken Soup Book services, it sold over
70 million so far, and the authors didn't even have to write the
book. Full of inspirational short stories, this audience responded
well. The authors, did however, put on a full-blown marketing
campaign for three years.

While your product or service for this audience will have a
lot of competition, the sheer volume of potential buyers
benefits you.

Think about your product. Is one aim to entertain and inspire?

5. The Online Audience of Millions

If you are like me, you love your product and service and want
others to benefit from it. But, if you are discouraged at the low
number of sales through traditional methods, you may want
to consider the Internet.

Online shoppers are ready to buy your product or service.
They go online for free information, but when they start
to trust you, they become buyers. Make sure your Web
site has plenty of free content and other interesting attractions.

You may be attracted to selling Online because you don't have
to sell or tell, and you don't have to travel. This convenient and
easy way to let far greater numbers of people know you and
your product can bring more than 1/2 your monthly income.
Naturally, the learning curve involves some time, but when
you build a strong foundation of promotion to the site, plus
a well written sales-oriented site, you will succeed.

Every day you can reach 1000's, even hundreds of thousands,
using simple Online promotion techniques. Here you can
sell your product through subtle forms such as the free article
or ezine. The varied Online audiences including personal growth
and business want free information. Your Web sales will multiply
fast because in every email you send out, you include your
signature file that leads people to where you sell your product..

From knowing her audience, your coach built her Web income
over a year to now bring in a consistent $3000 plus a month.
You can too when you pay attention and serve your Online
audience well.
About the Author
Judy Cullins: 20-year author, publisher, book coach
Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams
eBk: How to Drastically Increase your Traffic and Web Sales
Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com
FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports